The New Zealand Europe Business Council Incorporated was incorporated on 23 November 2005, with the primary objective to promote the establishment of closer economic cooperation between New Zealand and Europe, with twenty-two European countries initially represented. 

NZEBC provides a forum and liaison structure for the co-ordination of activities of various trade organisations, chambers of commerce, delegations, diplomatic missions and consular representatives. NZEBC acts as an umbrella organisation that can bring together the many and varied interests of those involved in the major New Zealand - Europe bi-lateral trade.

The Council is able to act in a liaison and coordinating function in promoting and developing trade, commerce and business between New Zealand and Europe and to encourage an improvement in communication and mutual assistance between members, Governments, Government Departments, trade officials and business enterprises and other persons engaged or concerned in trade, commerce and business or any related services in both New Zealand and/or Europe.

Membership is open to all European trade offices, embassies and consulates as well as New Zealand/Europe funded organisations involved in the promotion of bi-lateral trade between New Zealand and Europe.